Monday, June 1, 2009

Going there, but not staying there....

I normally don't blog in the middle of the day, blogging is my late night hobby while everyone is sleeping...but last night I started to blog about this and scratched it to tell you about Tony's hospital visit (you probably should read that to understand this) A statement was made Wednesday night in the women's class at church that has stuck with of the ladies was talking about having a friend over to talk to about some things she had been going through, and that person said to her

"We're gonna go there (meaning talking about the pain, hopelessness, hurt) but we're leaving there together, we aren't staying there."

My mind has replayed that statement many times, with everything going on with Tony it has been very hard not to be down, and very easy to let hopelessness creep I watched him last night take his medicine for yet another headache, I felt him going there, and I must admit I had been there for awhile....So on my way home today from running errands I had the great big melt was a private one,(I guess not so private now since I've told you about it) no one with me in the vehicle....there I was at the stop light a big blubbering mess, and God spoke to me loud and clear at that moment...this is what he said...

"Just because you feel like no one is there, I to me about it, I have been here the whole time waiting to go there with you, and to walk out of this with you, I know your frustration, and worry and I see what you feel like you have to carry...but I'm here, you can't go there with Tony until you walk out with me."

Before I entered my home I had walked out of the place I was at..I didn't do that alone God took every step with me...It wasn't an easy place to leave, sometimes it is easier to stay there and wallow in self pity, sometimes it is easier to scream at God and ask "Why are you allowing this to happen?"

But I promise you if you take the high road, and begin to praise him for the healing that hasn't happen yet, the finical breakthrough that hasn't arrived...he will stay there with you for awhile and then take your hand and walk you out.. It may not appear that you have gotten anywhere, but know that you have because you chose not to stay there....

Again, I don't usually blog during the day time but I felt like I needed to share this, Maybe your there, in the midst of reading this, and if you are please know that God will gladly take your hand and lead you out all you have to do is ask...Blessings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

had to catch up on life on beech grove road.. miss u guys :(.. great video!