Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sorry I feel like I have been a MBP (Missing Blog Person) lately. It's not that I don't have lots to blog about, it's more about the time I haven't had to blog...and the timing in which I would blog about things going on.

About 5 weeks ago my Husband and I found out that his Brother (which he is very close to) needs a liver transplant. Jay (Husbands Brother) has a condition called
Wilson's disease which is an inherited disorder in which there is too much
copper in the body's tissues. The excess copper damages the liver and
nervous system, in most cases it can be controlled with medication, but in Jay's case his liver is damaged beyond repair...The Doctors words were "It is by the grace of God that you are in my office today."
So the plan now is that we (Jay,Me, my Husband, and his Sister Kathy) go to Jewish Hospital for an evaluation Sep. 21st, 22nd, 23rd there they will do test to determine whether or not he will be put on the transplant list and at what level. My Husband and I along with Kathy will meet with the Doctors and we are required to take a class while there to more understand how to take care of Jay after surgery...It has been a very emotional roller coaster but as the days have passed I have seen God at work. I don't know what the next few months hold for us but the important thing is that God does. Please be in prayer on the 3 days that I mentioned above. I will update you as I find out more. Blessings.


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