Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let The Canning Begin!!!

We've really been blessed with a beautiful garden this year, I have picked green beans today, when I stopped I had FOUR bags and one 2 gallon bucket full...that was one row of beans! Husband dug some potatoes and we are starting to get tomatoes...I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of beans and decided to go out and buy a pressure cooker to help speed up the canning...I have always used the cold packing method which takes about 3 hours for beans..I confess I am terrified of pressure cookers, once I was at my Grandma's house while she was canning beans and the pressure cooker blew up...beans were stuck to the ceiling, on the windows, stuck to the side of the refrigerator...I vowed to never use a pressure cooker when I grew up, but the time has come to overcome my fear (or call Mom to show me how the heck to use the thing) I plan on coming home after church tomorrow and coming face to face with the stainless steel monster...If I don't post by midnight tomorrow night be worried (grin) Blessings!

1 comment:

petersonclan said...

I know it's close to sacrelidge here, but I freeze my beans... quick, easy, and we like the flavor better. :) But I know better than to suggest it to a Kentucky person... it's not "real food"...