~John Ed Pearce once said "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to."
My small hometown of Burkesville celebrated their 200yr. Birthday this past weekend I haven't seen that many people in Burkesville in a long time.
They brought back the Riverboat Review Show...something I was in when I was in school (I won't even share how long ago that was) And this year I had the honor of setting in the audience and watching my Daughter preform on the very same stage.
I understand getting older is a part of life that we all must except, but for some reason this weekend made that all the more real to me...
Faces of people I hadn't seen in years, and while setting in the audience listening to the speaker pay tribute to so many that loved this town that have now passed away...time truly does march on weather we want it to or not.
So I took it all in...
Wondering if anyone else was thinking that this is quite possibly the greatest place in the world to live...
I love my town and the people in it, they are most certainly my extended family.
Happy 200th Birthday Burkesville!!
I'm including some pictures from this weekend and a few videos from the Riverboat review Show (one of which is my Daughter Cassie Marie singing her solo "Blue Moon Of Kentucky")
Cool Christmas Gift...
11 years ago